Thursday 26 June 2008

A bookmarked recipe from a bookmarked recipe: Zebra Cake

The trouble with running an event for getting through your list of bookmarked recipes is that it seems to add more recipes to my must make list and this was one of them.

For bookmarked recipes 7 Deeba had sent in Zebra Cake. I loved how this looked and how simple it looked to make compared to how complicated it looked!!!! I loved the simplicity of this but also the novelty so I just had to make it. Unfortunately mine doesn't look as lovely as Deeba's and I haven't been able to taste any yet because I'll be taking it to Summer Madness. But I'm sure this will be a winner.

Check out Deeba's Zebra Cake for great photographic instructions and the recipe.


  1. Now THAT is one awesome looking cake! I bet it was delicious too!

  2. Thanks That Girl!

    It sure was fun to make Deborah, I'm sure it will be fun to eat too

    It sure does look awesome Jenn, haven't tried it yet to find out about how it tastes, but I'll let you know.

  3. Ha!! I bookmarked the same's something else isn't it? Your cake turned out beautifully.

  4. It really is Giz... hope you give it a go!

  5. Thanks Dell!!! It was a great recipe to bookmark


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